Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sweeney Todd

Just saw it. Gloriously, joyfully, gory. It revels in it, and has fun doing so. You know, Johnny Depp is one of those actors that you almost can't admit you like, the guilty pleasure variety. I tell myself all the time that whatever movie he has coming out can't possibly be any good, but damn, he always makes it enjoyable. Its the difference between him and a Brad Pitt. I always like the "movie" when its Johnny Depp. Brad Pitt is just kinda nice to look at but his movies just never seem to gel. Maybe the difference between a craft actor and a pretty boy?

Track your dollars with this. Its takes a while but it is interesting to see where they end up.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Bad

Since I forgot what I was going to say yesterday, I thought I would go ahead and post my interesting website. I sure don't want to penalize anyone because my brain goes bye-bye.

Clickie here and here. In case you ever wondered.
This has interested me since Matt was born on Good Friday. His birthday has been on Good Friday again two times (1987 and 1992) but it won't happen again until 2071. Hopefully he will see it happen. He doesn't do much better when his birthday actually falls on Easter (it hasn't yet) in 2022, 2033, 2044, 2101, and RUSH! 2112. Aiden will get 2010, 2021, 2083, and maybe 2094, and Christian, 2075, and 2080. Of course we have many birthdays in the affected date range but I was mostly interested in the younger ones.


Yesterday, I forgot what I was going to say while I suddenly got busy with other stuff. Oh the drama of the workplace in estrogen overload.

Computer Paint-By-Numbers

Monday, April 21, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008


So I had a hard enough time sleeping last night. Just as I'm drifting off, AT FREAKING 4:30!, we have an earthquake. Now, they do happen here once every ten years or so but strangely, I've never actually felt one. I'm either sleeping or in a car, and they are so small, I never notice. This one was actually big enough to shake the whole house. I thought it was a wind storm rattling the windows. That's a much more expected occurrence.

For Lotr geeks.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Poor Barack

He's so naive. The whole Bittergate thing is silly. I really think his intent was to make the elitist, liberal, and yes, I've seen this personally, hateful, San Franciscans, understand that not everyone thinks their way. He's trying, foolishly, and unsuccessfully, to be a mediator, as I tried to do in my younger days. As he tried to do with the loud-mouthed, racist, pastor of his. It just goes to show his inexperience in the arena of politics.

Sigh for us. People lose sight of what the president's job really entails.

Be glad these aren't YOUR job.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Watch out for this stuff

it's nasty.

What's with

the water Nazis? Quit telling me I have to drink all that damn water every day. IT'S A MYTH--URBAN LEGEND!

Science education/knowledge in our nation is a crime. Can people even think or reason at all?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Auspicious Beginning

But it doesn't count thanks to our lately diluvial conditions. I understand the Birds are picked to finish last. There's nowhere to go but up, right? On the other hand, they could just stay right there in the basement.
I hope the rains have left. My basement can't stand much more water. This is one of the wettest springs on record for our area.

Orange gold.

Map Me