Monday, October 20, 2008

Work is FUN!

So this week I get to waste two days at an internal conference where I take multiple one hour long break out classes in topics I could probably teach by now and then afterward, wander around looking at my colleague's poster presentations. I'll have one, too, but I'm not going to stand in front of it. Preparing the poster has been a big time-suck for me and for everyone else participating. I let Jon read the title. He actually muddled through it pretty well for all the scientific terms. There was no way he'd actually read the poster. LOL. lol

I need a career change. Its just that after not liking my boss for so long, I have one now that I DO like and I hate to just up and leave. What is that! Guilt? Loyalty? What's wrong with me! Actually, I AM investigatin' sumthin'. Oh GAK! I'm typing like a tweener.

Thank the heavens we are in the final, last gasp to this election crap. I can't wait 'til it's over. I'm so thankful I don't have a land line with a recorder on it. I always did hate coming home to find between four and ten recorded political messages trying to get my vote, each one usually several minutes long.

Start looking at your choices - outside the traditional two parties and inside as well - for the next round. It's a long shot in this day but start thinking outside the box. Grassroots revolution! Send me more if you have any! Let's put some pressure on. I fundamentally believe we can't be more than two parties with our system, but we have to start a shift somewhere.
Libertarian Party
Constitution Party
Green Party

Shannon, send me a bagel!


Shannon said...

This can be arranged. Also is the picture you posted your presentation for work?

I looked on the NYC ballot to see who else I could vote for: Bob "no wiccans in the army" Barr, Ralph "this entire situation is completely my fault" Nader, and Cynthia "the Greens were the only ones who would take me" McKinney. I mean damn.

Who Am I? said...

Oh, I soo wish it was! That would be fun. Of course I guess I could say goodbye to going in on Monday but maybe that's how I'll go out. Pink hair, a piercing, and an inappropriate poster!

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