Friday, December 19, 2008

Remember when?

Shannon's AquaNet discussion made me reminisce. Remember AquaNet? And Dippity-Do? You can still get them although they are a little different now. The aerosol is more environment friendly and the Dippity-Do is repackaged and in shiny new colors. My Aunt Jean used to use Dippity-Do to make pin curls every night before bed. I always wondered how a person could sleep like that, with all those things poking the head. She would sit drinking her scotch, with a cigarette dangling and put her hair up. Unfortunately, the scotch got the better of her. It sent her on a trip down the basement steps to a broken back. She never had it treated and after it healed overlapped and crooked, she ended up on pain meds for the rest of her life. That didn't stop her from drinking the scotch, and well, pain meds and scotch don't mix well. Yeah, depressing, but that's where the AquaNet led me. I have a lot of memories from my days in the city with those crazy Irish bastards.

The nine tons of tile is whittling down. Now there is ten tons of laminate sitting around. The floor is coming along but won't be finished until January. I do have a couple before and afters though. Still needing some base trim and finishing but there's still lots of floor to be done. On the lighter side, the carpenters removed some plywood floor sections and inside, they found an old box, only the box, for a Regular Flesh Box Dong. Hmmm. I wonder if the contents fell out and are still inside the floor? What DID they used to do in this house?



Shannon said...

HAHHAHAHA there is a mystery dong hidden in your house... it stalks the cats at night...

Shannon said...

Also, I'm ashamed to say that I have never seen Dippity-do. What do you use it for??

Who Am I? said...

It's just a styling gel. It had a particular consistency and odor that is one of those things from your childhood that you never forget and smelling it again transports you back. I remember it as being pink or green but it comes in other colors now and I'm not sure if it smells or feels the same.

Who Am I? said...

Hmmm. Might explain why the cat is always hiding in the basement ceiling.

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