Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Same thing Continued

I think we are getting to the same ending but maybe from different tangents.
"I’m not sure I can make a separation between actions and nature though, because Jesus says that even to look at someone with hatred is equal to murder, which tells me that you can “sin” in your heart without even acting."
But would you not say that what is in your heart is a reflection of your conscience and not an overt action? The hatred is still an act of disobedience to the command to love one another. There may never be an outward action that might be considered a crime. I can still see them as separate.

And yes it is one of my pet peeves. If God moves someone to stop a particular thing like smoking, you should encourage them to be successful and not tempt them by doing that thing in front of them, or talking about doing it.

I do enjoy a good philosophical discussion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think you’re right that we’re ending up in the same place. :)

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