Thursday, September 4, 2008

Too much is going on

I'm overwhelmed. Between Olympics, Presidential stuff, hurricanes, hurricane remnants over St. Louis, getting Dave set up with his new car, Jon and his stolen computer, work deadlines looming, I want a BREAK.

Was there an Olympics?

My private jury is still out on the election though I'm really leaning to McCain. He's a rock. I may break my own historical pattern and watch the debates. The big thing is what the new Congress makeup will be. A Dem congress with McCain means business as usual. Same with Reps and Obama. Are we expecting a Dem landslide in the new Congress?

Ok, so now that the hurricane turned out to be not as bad as predicted and everyone evacuated New Orleans, is that going to keep people from leaving next time? Was this a big "Cry Wolf" situation? And whew, this rain is torrential. It was blowing sideways when I came to work this morning. Even with an umbrella, I was all wet by the time I got inside. I really wished I'd had a coat on.

Dave got his new car. I like it. He took me for a drive last night and I got a Wii. And Zelda. And adult Link is still HOT!

How? How do you get your computer stolen out of your car? Maybe by being on the damn phone constantly so that you are distracted by everything else around you so that you walk away and forget to lock it?

If you check out the Engineers Guide to Cats (funny) be sure to also check this one (funnier - at least the ceiling fan part).

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