Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dust Be Gone

And joy of joys, I have discovered I have allergies. The real kind. I always figured I was allergic to mold or something. But since I had an allergic reaction in the hospital, things have gotten worse. The trip to the allergist was actually interesting. I had the pokey caterpillar test (the thingy with all the little arms that prick your skin with a whole bunch of things at once) and the intradermal injection tests. Lo, I have tree allergies and -egad- a pretty strong dust mite allergy. This was news to me although I guess it does explain the never ending eczema, the seasonal problems outside and the 24/7 problems inside, waking up sick every morning with breathing and throat problems. Benadryl and Astepro have become my new best friends. (Percocet doesn't work on this. Well, maybe insofar as I wouldn't care...but alas, it does not relieve symptoms.)

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