Friday, July 30, 2010


Monica and I had quite the adventure while geocaching today. We went to search for an item in a location we had tried before and were standing on a step stool, on a picnic table. In rolls a Hazelwood police office. He’d never heard of the activity, so we explained, then he decided to help. We did eventually leave to look in other places. One such place took us on a roundabout path behind a guard rail, through a field, a cornfield, then some woods, where we found a Glock 27, fully loaded (we did not make that determination). We called the police then Monica went to wait for them to lead them back and I waited in the woods so we would be sure to find it again, all in the pouring rain. A nice young lady officer arrived but wanted to wait for another, who was on the way. Yes, it was our friend from earlier in the day. He very cordially gave us a hard time and suggested we should maybe do our caching in St. Charles. It was the most exciting cache we’ve failed at finding!

Map Me