Thursday, July 29, 2010

On Birthin' Babies

I just had to post this but I wanted to do so here so a particular young woman won't see this and think I am criticizing her just because her statement got me thinking. She deserves her happy event without such a cloud, and what she said seems to be the norm for people nowadays anyway.

Question. Is there a single baby in this country born without drug inducement for someone's convenience? It seems every young, pregnant woman I know, always has a date for which she will go to be induced. She goes in to be induced whether her labor has begun or not. Now, there is medical reason to induce, which I completely understand. But young, healthy, non-smoking, non-drinking women with healthy, normal weight babies really don't need this, so why?

I'm old-school. I fought against medical tradition when my kids were born and searched for doctors who were sympathetic to my wishes for non-invasive care. Why is this practice of baby-by-schedule so common? They will arrive without the intervention. It has been happening that way for centuries.


Shannon said...

Interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing. I agree with you but totally respect this woman's choice, it's her body. How do you feel about epidurals?

Who Am I? said...

Quite right, which is why I decided to put my comments here where I know she won't even see them. I'm just amazed at how medically intrusive childbirth has become. Personally, I would not accept any drugs, including epidurals. I've seen many women who go through almost all their labor before they can have one and by then, they are ready to actually GIVE birth so the epidural was rather pointless. I've also known women whose epidurals were inserted incorrectly and caused far more pain than the childbirth itself. However, women swear by them, so I say if they idea suits you, go for it. I want no needles in my back and I prefer to be very aware of what my body is feeling.

Shannon said...

I have a lot of respect for that. I've always thought I would beg for an epidural if I were pregnant, but I'm sure people change when they're thinking about their kids.

Monica said...

I had some of the same thoughts when my sister had her first one. She went into labor and went to the hospital where they promptly broke her water and then gave her hormones to speed her labor along. Why? What was wrong with waiting for things to occur naturally? It ended up causing fetal distress and they had to do a c-section.

Who Am I? said...

The young lady in my original post went in today to be induced. They broke her water and started pitocin but things are moving along very slowly. It's going to be ages before they can give her the epidural and this is her third baby. I feel bad for her.

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