Sunday, July 11, 2010


Recommend: Departures
Beautiful movie about finding your place and the importance of ceremony and custom. If you've seen it, please comment.

Recommend: A-Team
Ok, big difference there. This one is just for putting a smile on your face with explosions and stuff. Suspend all reality, just leave it at the door and enjoy. **Spoiler** How could you not laugh at "flying the tank"? **End Spoiler.** I never would have pictured Liam Neeson for this part but it worked and I loved it. I didn't know the other cast members but they were quite acceptable as replacements for the old TV cast.

Meh, I guess Recommend: Alice in Wonderland
It was pretty and colorful and had some nice moments. I LOVE the Cheshire Cat. But story wise, it was rather unremarkable. Rental material I suppose.

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